
Eye tracker survey

A document containing the different eye-tracking solutions available on the market and taken into consideration for the project with their respective up and downsides in the context for people with MDVI.
A conclusion will be drawn as to show the best adapted eye-tracking solutions commercially available for an affordable price in accordance to the criteria set at the beginning of the document.

Adjustments to eye-tracking solutions

Through user testing we try identify limitations of eye-tracking solutions. We assume that the eye-tracking systems commercially available that are affordable do not take into consideration any visual impairments. This means that the usability of such a system is limited or non existent for people with VI, MDVI or CVI.
Adjusting such a system to the needs means that this target group is able to use the system efficiently.

Eye-tracking Applications for MDVI users

At the start of the project we identified that there is a need to create software that can automatically detect whether a user is perceiving appearing objects in their visual field and if so, whether they are able to track these objects. So far this diagnostics and training has been done manually by the individuals, and the individuals’ interpretation of the results. Thus an objective assessment was nearly impossible to be done, and a follow-up, meaning repeating the same exercise multiple times to see whether there have been improvements, was impossible to do. 

The idea of the project is to use a commercially available eye-tracking system and develop specific software for our target audience to do these assessments and training. By creating the application, the professional can have instant feedback on the clients’ functional vision. In addition, these results are stored and can be compared to previous training sessions. This allows the professional to have a more accurate assessment and follow-up of the clients’ progression.

So far, the software currently available needs the client to do an motor action in order to react to the visual stimulus on the screen. Using an eye-tracker, this can be done automatically in our application, and no motor skills of the client are mandatory in order to carry out the assessment.

User & Developer guide

The user guide is the manual for the end user of the applications. This guide explains the features to the target group as well as the use of the software. Installation and configuration for the specific need will also be included.
The developer guide will list all the requirements set for the application. The process of the application development is described in this document together with the discoveries made during the process.